В Луге 11 января произошел конфликт между соседями, который перерос в жестокую драку с участием собак и оружия
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a conflict between neighbors in Luga, Russia escalated into a violent brawl involving dogs, a gas canister, and a pneumatic pistol. The incident began with a dog bite, followed by retaliatory attacks and the use of weapons, resulting in injuries requiring hospitalization. Authorities are investigating the incident and considering criminal charges.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a conflict between neighbors in Luga, Russia escalated into a violent brawl involving dogs, a gas canister, and a pneumatic pistol. The incident began with a dog bite, followed by retaliatory attacks and the use of weapons, resulting in injuries requiring hospitalization. Authorities are investigating the incident and considering criminal charges.